Thursday, March 13, 2008



US District Court, Central District of California
Fishman Case No 91-6426 HLH (Tx)

Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex



OT VIII Course Students
OT OT VIII Auditors
AO Review Auditors
AO C/Ses
OT VIII Series I



By the time you read this I will no longer be occupying the body and identity
that you have known as Ron. That identity continues to live in the hearts and
minds of many as well as in on-Source tech and admin centers around the planet,
and will inspire for years to come Scientologists and lovers of truth everywhere.

What follows is a story that has been withheld, for reasons which will soon be
obvious, until such time as there were enough OTs that something could be done
about it. That time is now. It is not a nice or a pretty story, but I trust
that having arrived on the OT VIII Course you are ready to hear it. You have
undoubtedly heard pieces of data over the years that hinted at the greater
untold reality of my mission here on Earth, but the story was never written,
nor spoken, in its entirety due to security problems that have unfortunately
always plagued the organization. It is only now that I feel it safe to release
the information, although the time is rapidly approaching when I will have no
choice in the matter, the hour draws that near.

I am not going to delve too deeply into specifics as people have a tendency to
bog themselves down in significance, which would only serve to delay the
immediacy of the task at hand. Therefore I will be brief.

Some eighty-odd million years ago Earth time (it actually dates at 78,395,042
but dates are a bit superfluous with this material) plans were drawn by a
group outside the MEST universe for the eventual takeover of a good portion of
this universe. Not a particularly large nor imaginative crew, their exterior
perspective, however, gives them considerable advantage over tho time-bound
beings of the MEST universe. Borrowing from earlier operations such as
Helatrobus, they conceived an ongoing implant, some portions of which have been
fairly faithfully rendered in parts of the Bible. This implant, laid in by
carefully controlled genetic mutation at Incident Two of OT III and
periodically reinforced by controlled historic events since then, makes it
effectively impossible for beings on the more heavily affected planets such as
Earth to become free. It causes progressive genetic "evolution" that gives the
subject population greater and greater susceptibility to the telepathic
impingement and direction of the controllers. In its final stage the
progression becomes almost geometric, and it is this final stage that we are
rapidly approaching.


Another aspect of this GE-line implant is that the body becomes in effect a
sort of theta trap that kicks in heavily on the being should he attempt to
expand his horizons beyond that of pure physical universe reality. There can
be temporary key-outs which we have all experienced in varying degrees, but
until this area is handled it can honestly be said that there is no hope for
continued expansion. The good news is that once this is run out. Expansion
becomes rather effortless and almost automatic.

No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where
various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in
which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and
his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining
reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of
Lucifer (literally, the "light bearers" or "light bringer"), Lucifer being a
mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic
Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise
represented by this brief anti-Christ period. During this period there is a
fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which
would make it impossible for the mass Marcabian landing (Second Coming) to take
place. The Second Coming is designed, among other things, to trigger a rapid
series of destructive events.

With the exception of the original Buddhism, virtually all religions of any
consequence on this planet, mono- and pantheistic alike, have been instruments
to speed the progress of this "evolution of consciousness" and bring about the
eventual enslavement of mankind. As you know, Siddhartha Gautama never claimed
to be anything more than a man. Having caught on to this operation, he
postulated his own return as Metteyya, part of which prophecy will have been
fulfilled upon the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.

For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the
opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic
Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition
to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of
temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and
other typical Marcab PR. You have only to look at the history his teachings
inspired to see where it all inevitably leads. It is historic fact and yet man
still clings to the ideal, so deep and insidious is the biologic implanting.

It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent
in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the "Prince of Darkness". Yet
in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which
has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the
Cabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the

So it really is a race against time and one that we happen to be losing at the
moment, as the implant drama inexorably plays itself out in spite of the
breakneck pace I've managed to keep up these last thirty-five years.

I had an inkling, but only that, of the insidiousness of this material as far
back as 1945. Later, in charcteristic over-optimism, I thought that R6 would
be the end of it. But that was followed by NOTs and the Purification Rundown
and still the string continued to unwind with the ball at the end of it just
out of sight. It makes ons wonder about such things as fate and destiny, such


was the resolve with which I managed to cling to that string, not often knowing
how close I was to falling into the abyss myself, but destiny is merely the
rationalization of feeble minds. Things don't just happen, they are caused.
And causative beings can undo the plans of madmen and would-be enslavers, no
matter how long those plans may have been in the making.

I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission with
another identity. Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some
distant star in some distant galaxy, it appears that is one dream that will
have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials
thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated
body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious
mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma. The job ahead is far too
tough to even contemplate doing with your standard -- courtesy of certain
other-dimensional players and their Marcab pieces, many of whom are right here
in the general populace -- genetically altered body.

Without the biogenetic meddling of those who stand outside time (who cannot yet
directly influence our world and must work through others) the dwindling spiral
is not nearly as automatic and self-perpetuating as it appears. There are
regions even in isolated parts of the Milky Way where poets are free to poet
and magicians can paint reality with their magic wands and exteriorize without
body kickback. But these areas unfortunately are fewer and fewer.

I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to
be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most
of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant
effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of
events designed to make happy slaves of us all.

So there you have it. The secret that I have kept close to my chest all these
years. Now you too are part of this secret and I no longer have to shoulder
the burden alone or live with the possibility of body death before all the data
could be released. And with this briefing I entrust to each of you the
responsibility for this material until such time as I am able to return. For
we have no help from any other quarter in this matter. The handful of secret
societies throughout history that have caught on to this game have long since
fallen by the wayside or been taken over and become instruments of the very
menace they were set up to combat.

The rundown is long and can be arduous, but it must be done thoroughly if there
is to be any effect not only on the body of the pre-OT but the body of his or
her progeny as well. There is some danger, but with OT VII thoroughly complete
it is not nearly so great as the danger witnessed by assorted unfortunates who
happened to stumble into this area in their sleep or in moments of reverie or
anaten, experiencing an hitherto mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous


But the area is well charted, the rundown many years in secret development, and
by the time you read this undoubtedly completed on myself. The wins awaiting
you are like none that you have ever experienced, not just for you, but for
your children, your children's children and the whole of mankind, if we
succeed. And we will. If we had time we should pity the many poor souls, from


1950 to PT, who chose such an exactly inopportune moment to drop off the road
to truth and disconnect from reality, the full burst and glory of OT
practically within their grasp. But we haven't the time to "wax philosophic"
or ponder might have beens.

The rundown follows. Again I say, do it thoroughly and completely, for it is
your ticket to the stars. And beyond!


Copyright (c) 1980
by L. Ron Hubbard



US District Court, Central District of California
Fishman Case No 91-6426 HLH (Tx)

Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex



OT VIII Course Students
OT OT VIII Auditors
AO Review Auditors
AO C/Ses
OT VIII Series I



By the time you read this I will no longer be occupying the body and identity
that you have known as Ron. That identity continues to live in the hearts and
minds of many as well as in on-Source tech and admin centers around the planet,
and will inspire for years to come Scientologists and lovers of truth everywhere.

What follows is a story that has been withheld, for reasons which will soon be
obvious, until such time as there were enough OTs that something could be done
about it. That time is now. It is not a nice or a pretty story, but I trust
that having arrived on the OT VIII Course you are ready to hear it. You have
undoubtedly heard pieces of data over the years that hinted at the greater
untold reality of my mission here on Earth, but the story was never written,
nor spoken, in its entirety due to security problems that have unfortunately
always plagued the organization. It is only now that I feel it safe to release
the information, although the time is rapidly approaching when I will have no
choice in the matter, the hour draws that near.

I am not going to delve too deeply into specifics as people have a tendency to
bog themselves down in significance, which would only serve to delay the
immediacy of the task at hand. Therefore I will be brief.

Some eighty-odd million years ago Earth time (it actually dates at 78,395,042
but dates are a bit superfluous with this material) plans were drawn by a
group outside the MEST universe for the eventual takeover of a good portion of
this universe. Not a particularly large nor imaginative crew, their exterior
perspective, however, gives them considerable advantage over tho time-bound
beings of the MEST universe. Borrowing from earlier operations such as
Helatrobus, they conceived an ongoing implant, some portions of which have been
fairly faithfully rendered in parts of the Bible. This implant, laid in by
carefully controlled genetic mutation at Incident Two of OT III and
periodically reinforced by controlled historic events since then, makes it
effectively impossible for beings on the more heavily affected planets such as
Earth to become free. It causes progressive genetic "evolution" that gives the
subject population greater and greater susceptibility to the telepathic
impingement and direction of the controllers. In its final stage the
progression becomes almost geometric, and it is this final stage that we are
rapidly approaching.


Another aspect of this GE-line implant is that the body becomes in effect a
sort of theta trap that kicks in heavily on the being should he attempt to
expand his horizons beyond that of pure physical universe reality. There can
be temporary key-outs which we have all experienced in varying degrees, but
until this area is handled it can honestly be said that there is no hope for
continued expansion. The good news is that once this is run out. Expansion
becomes rather effortless and almost automatic.

No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where
various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in
which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and
his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining
reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of
Lucifer (literally, the "light bearers" or "light bringer"), Lucifer being a
mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic
Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise
represented by this brief anti-Christ period. During this period there is a
fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which
would make it impossible for the mass Marcabian landing (Second Coming) to take
place. The Second Coming is designed, among other things, to trigger a rapid
series of destructive events.

With the exception of the original Buddhism, virtually all religions of any
consequence on this planet, mono- and pantheistic alike, have been instruments
to speed the progress of this "evolution of consciousness" and bring about the
eventual enslavement of mankind. As you know, Siddhartha Gautama never claimed
to be anything more than a man. Having caught on to this operation, he
postulated his own return as Metteyya, part of which prophecy will have been
fulfilled upon the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.

For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the
opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic
Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition
to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of
temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and
other typical Marcab PR. You have only to look at the history his teachings
inspired to see where it all inevitably leads. It is historic fact and yet man
still clings to the ideal, so deep and insidious is the biologic implanting.

It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent
in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the "Prince of Darkness". Yet
in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which
has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the
Cabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the

So it really is a race against time and one that we happen to be losing at the
moment, as the implant drama inexorably plays itself out in spite of the
breakneck pace I've managed to keep up these last thirty-five years.

I had an inkling, but only that, of the insidiousness of this material as far
back as 1945. Later, in charcteristic over-optimism, I thought that R6 would
be the end of it. But that was followed by NOTs and the Purification Rundown
and still the string continued to unwind with the ball at the end of it just
out of sight. It makes ons wonder about such things as fate and destiny, such


was the resolve with which I managed to cling to that string, not often knowing
how close I was to falling into the abyss myself, but destiny is merely the
rationalization of feeble minds. Things don't just happen, they are caused.
And causative beings can undo the plans of madmen and would-be enslavers, no
matter how long those plans may have been in the making.

I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission with
another identity. Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some
distant star in some distant galaxy, it appears that is one dream that will
have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials
thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated
body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious
mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma. The job ahead is far too
tough to even contemplate doing with your standard -- courtesy of certain
other-dimensional players and their Marcab pieces, many of whom are right here
in the general populace -- genetically altered body.

Without the biogenetic meddling of those who stand outside time (who cannot yet
directly influence our world and must work through others) the dwindling spiral
is not nearly as automatic and self-perpetuating as it appears. There are
regions even in isolated parts of the Milky Way where poets are free to poet
and magicians can paint reality with their magic wands and exteriorize without
body kickback. But these areas unfortunately are fewer and fewer.

I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to
be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most
of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant
effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of
events designed to make happy slaves of us all.

So there you have it. The secret that I have kept close to my chest all these
years. Now you too are part of this secret and I no longer have to shoulder
the burden alone or live with the possibility of body death before all the data
could be released. And with this briefing I entrust to each of you the
responsibility for this material until such time as I am able to return. For
we have no help from any other quarter in this matter. The handful of secret
societies throughout history that have caught on to this game have long since
fallen by the wayside or been taken over and become instruments of the very
menace they were set up to combat.

The rundown is long and can be arduous, but it must be done thoroughly if there
is to be any effect not only on the body of the pre-OT but the body of his or
her progeny as well. There is some danger, but with OT VII thoroughly complete
it is not nearly so great as the danger witnessed by assorted unfortunates who
happened to stumble into this area in their sleep or in moments of reverie or
anaten, experiencing an hitherto mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous


But the area is well charted, the rundown many years in secret development, and
by the time you read this undoubtedly completed on myself. The wins awaiting
you are like none that you have ever experienced, not just for you, but for
your children, your children's children and the whole of mankind, if we
succeed. And we will. If we had time we should pity the many poor souls, from


1950 to PT, who chose such an exactly inopportune moment to drop off the road
to truth and disconnect from reality, the full burst and glory of OT
practically within their grasp. But we haven't the time to "wax philosophic"
or ponder might have beens.

The rundown follows. Again I say, do it thoroughly and completely, for it is
your ticket to the stars. And beyond!


Copyright (c) 1980
by L. Ron Hubbard



US District Court, Central District of California
Fishman Case No 91-6426 HLH (Tx)

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



This question has been the most plaguing one in Dianetics and

The ONLY way a thetan ever gets in trouble, the ONLY way he can
get trapped or become part of a cluster is by mocking-up and
making pictures of bad experiences.

And why record all bad experiences? This too is not good sense.

One can explain it by a yearning for events by havingness and
other ways, but these do not factually lead to a total solution.

The real reason stems from a characteristic of a thetan. He never
totally gives up.

There is, seemingly, a streak of resistance or resentment that
makes a thetan wish to persist in the same place. If he cannot,


he will do so covertly.

All power comes from the ability to occupy a point. The base that
separates two terminals must be firm or there will be no exchange
of energy.
The effort to weaken a thetan is to make him relinquish his point
in space. Covertly or overtly a thetan seeks to assert his
position in space.

If he cannot do so overtly he does so covertly.

When a thetan is moved unwillingly from a point or position, he
even then refuses to give up that point, but MOCKS IT UP. He also
mocks up the events of his departure as a part of the action of
mocking up the point he is leaving. This, unwittingly, gives him
a picture, an engram.

Now let us see if this theory holds true in practice.

A. Just ahead of any engram there must be an effort to
retain a position and there must be a point or location
being mocked up.
This is true. You can blow an engram without running it
by spotting its first point in space and time. In a
secondary, "Where did you first hear of the loss" is a
vital question.


B. In a Contact Assist getting a person to touch again the
point where he was hurt with what was hurt will blow the
C. Getting a person to locate areas (locations) that are not
safe produces blows of engrams without running them.
D. Exact and accurate dating sometimes blows an engram.
Those times when it does not, it should blow when the
location is exactly spotted.
E. Implants and traps were done mainly to keep thetans out
of an area. The thetan, resenting and resisting mocks up
the place anyway and so implants himself.

A thetan too easily substitutes a mock-up for a point in the real

One could also say that a thetan, by mocking up, warns himself
against certain points in space or areas in the Physical Universe.

Anxiety is solely not being able to be in certain places and not
where one is either.

Making people leave is the most unpopular action unless one also
frees them to be anywhere.

Transferring people is a degrading thing to do to them.


Jail denies a thetan all spaces except where he has been placed
and note that thetans are made very miserable in Jail. Jailing is
a sure way to confirm criminals and also to make them crazy as

Any thetan, stuck in an engram, is asserting the effort to be at
the point where he was hit at the beginning of that engram.

An engram therefore is a refusal to leave a place at which force
was exerted to drive one away.

Reversely, one can refuse to be held at a place where one does not
wish to be, but this is a negation of a place, a not-is of it and
its time.
Power of choice over where one is and where one is not is thus a
key to engrams.

Finally - a thetan mocks up because he covertly refuses to abandon
a location under duress and not-ises the place where he does not
wish to be but must.

Using these facts one can blow engrams without running them.

Some sample questions:

What point (location) is unsafe?


What location could you have held absolutely?
Where did you first get an intimation of danger?
What place would you rather not be in?
What effort would it take to hold (that) (a) locatation?

Working with this you will see a door open to a higher level than
Dianetic R3R. But realize that it is only for a high level

This is the road to returned personal power in the Physical

Copyright (c) 1969
By L. Ron Hubbard




June 1979 Revision

1. Basic Processes Set-up.

What are you willing to cause?
What are you willing to be the effect of?

Decide something.

Clear intention. (Very thoroughly.) Have client use word in at
least six sentences. (If needed.)
*CDP/MCP "Intention"

1. What is a clear intention.
2. Give me an example.
3. What isn't a clear intention.
4. Give me an example.

2 W/C: the subject of intention.


Recall an intention.

Invent (mock-up) some intentions.

CDP - Creative Definition Procedure
MCP - Meaning Control Procedure
These are both Eductivism procedures for clearing words.

F-2. Tell me a thought/intention you would be willing to receive
from another (whichever reads).
F-2. Tell me a thought/intention another would be willing to
receive from you.
F-3. Tell me a thought/intention others would be willing to
receive from others.
F-0. Tell me a thought/intention you'd be willing to receive from

F-1. What intention of yours has another helped?
What intention of yours has another not helped?
F-2. What intention of another's have you helped?
What intention of another's have you not helped?
F-3. What intention of another's have others helped?
What intention of another's have others not helped?


F-0. What intention of yours have you helped?
What intention of yours have you not helped?

F-1. What intention of another's could you confront?
What intention of another's would you rather not confront?
F-2. What intention of yours could another confront?
What intention of yours would another rather not confront?
F-3. What intention of another's could others confront?
What intention of another's would others rather not
F-0. What intention of yours could you confront?
What intention of yours would you rather not confront?

F-1. What intention of yours could another be responsible for?
F-2. What intention of another's could you be responsible for?
F-3. What intention of another's could others be responsible for?
F-0. What intention of yours could you be responsible for?

Give me an unknown datum.

OT7-14 (PAB 69)
Tell me some orders you wouldn't mind receiving.
Tell me something that would obey you.


Get the idea I can place an intention.
Get the idea I cannot place an intention.

II. L & N Intention Process

Has an intention been....

Suppressed Forgotten
Invalidated Hidden
Blunted Avoided
Abandoned Altered
Denied Twisted
Enforced Changed
Desired Completed
Decided Made Wrong

on biggest reading item L & N
What intention has been _____________?
R3R Quad if evil intention.

III. Placing thoughts and intentions (inside Auditing room).

A. Spot an object.
B. Locate an object from which you are separate.


Locate an object which is separate from you.

Think a thought.
Creatively place that thought in/on that (indicated object).
Now creatively get that (indicated object) thinking that thought.
Creatively have that (indicated object) continue thinking that
Creatively have that (indicated object) cease thinking that

Clear intention.

Mock up (invent) an intention.

Get the idea of placing (or place) that intention in that
(indicated object).

From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions
or objects).

Putting the decision on (in) that (indicted object) make a
decision about it.


Decide something.

IV. Outside Processes with an Auditor (objects).

Spot an object.

Locate an object from which you are separate.
Locate an object which is separate from you.

Think a thought in (on) that (object or position)
Do you see that (object)?
Think a thought in (on) it.
Did the thought appear where it is?

From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions
or objects).

Putting the decision on (in) that (indicated object) make a
decision about it.


V. Outside Processes with an Auditor (people).

Spot an acceptable energy source.

Spot a person.

Locate a person from whom you are separate.
Locate a person who is separate from you.

Point out a difference between that person's body and yours.

Tell me something you really know about that person.
What would you permit that person to know about you?

Postulate perfection into that person.
Now postulate perfection into that one.

Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing about that person.
Tell me something you wouldn't mind that person not-knowing about


Think a thought in (on) that person
Do you see that person?
Think a thought in (on) him/her?
Did the thought appear where it is?

From that person make a choice between (indicated positions or

Putting the decision on (in) that person, make a decision about

Decide something.



VI Inside Processes Solo
(On the Meter)

Spot an object.

Mock-up a confusion.
Unmock it;
What confusion could you create?

Mock-up a communication terminal.
Mock-up another communication terminal.
Dispose of these mock-ups.

What wouldn't you mind communicating with.

Mock-up your (father, wife, mother, husband).
Mock him (her) up again.
Dispose of these mock-ups.


How could you appreciate another as a human Being.
How could another appreciate you as a human Being.
How could you appreciate yourself as a human Being.
How could another appreciate themselves as a human Being.
How could another appreciate another as a human Being.

Find and run a havingness process on yourself.

VIII Outside Processes Solo
(Off the Meter)

Spot a person
Spot a Thetan.

1. Go to a place with lots of people.
2. Spot them one at a time.
3. As you spot each person, do the following:
A. Perceive the individual as a Life Source (Thetan).
B. Know something about that person.
C. Be willing to not-know something about that person.


D. Grant beingness to that person (by cognizing the way they are).
E. Having that person grant beingness to you.

1. Find some plants, trees, etc., and communicate to them
individually until you know they received your communication.
2. Go to a zoo or a place with many types of life and communicate
with each of them until you know the communication is received
and, if possible, returned.

Go out to a park, train station or other busy area. Practice
placing an intention into individuals until you can successfully
and easily place an intention into or on a Being and/or a body.

Attest to OT7




Each of the following processes are run to a

(1) Floating needle
(2) Major cognition
(3) Regained ability.

(Preferably all three together as the ideal end. End Phenomena.)

Be three feet in back of your head. Whatever you are looking at,
copy it a dozen times, put it into you. Find the two back corners
of the room and hold onto them without thinking for two minutes.

Find two corners of the planet Earth, hold onto them for two

Find a place where you are not.
Spot three spots in your body.
Spot three spots in the room.

Be in the following places:
The room, the sky, the moon, the sun.

Locate an animal .. postulate him moving from one spot to another.
Observe him doing this.


Find a walking man ... postulate his walking faster. Do this with
20 people.

Find a walking person .. postulate that he will stop, then
continue walking. Do this 20 times.

Find a person in a distant land. Notice the time of day. Notice
the terrain. Notice the general environment. Smell the air.
Locate a thought that is his. Locate a thought that is yours.
Continue until flat.
Notice differences between you and your body.

Create in your body a feeling of calmness; create in your body
sexual desire and turn it off. Continue that step until you feel
you have control over the sexual drives. Create in the body a
feeling of pain. Create in the body a feeling of serenity. Do
the above until flat. Create in the body a feeling of hunger and
turn it off. Continue this step until you are in control of
hunger drives.
The end result of these particular drills is the regained ability
to control the body and its sensations.
Now: Postulate anger, boredom, grief, cheerfulness and serenity -
in that order. This is continued until you are sure that you
can create any emotion.


Finally, exteriorized visit a friend who lives in another state.
Greet him and flow affinity to him. Ask him to communicate to you
by letter.

End of OT VI




Gain Freedom from Fixated
Introversion into MEST

For eons, man has speculated and guessed about the nature of the
Physical Universe. There have been many opinions and much
discussion. Even the modern physicist, with his many names and
labels, is still in the dark when it comes to how it got here and
why. Before Scientology, the exact truth about the MEST Universe
was lost, and the way out of the trap unknown. Lies and
misinformation had taken the place of the truth.

In 1967, L. Ron Hubbard released Section V of the Operating Thetan
Course, the most powerful level released up to that time. On OT V
you learn the truth about the Physical Universe, not the laws of
physical scientists, but the basic considerations about Matter,
Energy, Space and Time.

The tremendous power that this universe seems to have over thetans
resulting in entrapment, degradation and death, is traced to its


source. As you exteriorize from the Physical Universe at Section
V, you discover exactly what MEST is, and become free of its laws.

At OT V, a Being is refamiliarized as a thetan exterior with the
Physical Universe. OT drills are done to remarkably increase a
Being's ability to communicate with his environment. He is now
able to do so, totally free of the mind and body, and free from a
fixated introversion into MEST.

Solo auditing on this level serves as an introduction to the
rehabilitation of his total abilities as a thetan. He learns to
use his new abilities as a thetan with wisdom and judgment.


Pre OT is to lie down in a comfortable position with eyes shut.

(1) Spot a spot in the room.
(2) Spot a spot in your body.

Alternate 1 and 2 until commands are flat then,

(3) Spot two spots in your body.
(4) Spot two spots outside.

Alternate 3 and 4 until flat then,


(5) Spot a spot outside.
(6) Spot a spot on the sun.

(Notice the distance between.)

(7) Spot two spots outside.
(8) Spot two spots on the sun.

(Notice what happens.)

The pre OT may exteriorize during these drills but doesn't
necessarily have to.

While still inside with eyes shut in a comfortable position the
pre OT is to follow the following commands and write down any
major cognitions.

(9) Spot an object in the room.
(10) Spot an bject outside.
(11) Locate a moving object.
(12) Locate a spot in your body.
(13) Spot a motion.
(14) Locate a space.
(15) Spot a Thetan.

Continue the above steps until major cognition, very good


indicators or exteriorization occurs.

The following steps are done outside. The pre-OT takes a paper
and pencil with him to take notes.

1. The pre OT is to put his attention on an object that is ahead
of him like a parked car, lamp post, etc. and walk towards it
noticing the distance between him and it. He is to continue to do
this until cognition.

2. Next the pre OT is to again pick out an object ahead of him
and wrap in energy beam around it and himself and pull himself
toward the object with shortening of the beam.

Notice what happens.

3. Locate an object, draw energy from it into you. Repeat at
least ten times.

Note any cognitions.

4. Locate an object as above and walk toward it. Notice what is
holding you to it.

5. Notice a cloud and notice the space between you and it.


6. Notice your body.

7. Notice the motion of the earth and your relationship to it.

8. Notice something about 10 people.

Do all the above steps to a cognition.

Note: Originally it was not necessary to be exteriorized in order
to do OT V or VI. Recently however, it has been changed and the
state of exteriorization is supposed to be achieved by OT 4
thereby leaving OT V and VI to be done while exterior.





OT IV Rundown
Has completed OT III

OT IV Warning.
This is in fact a grade. Therefore to run it without settingthe case up fully is to waste it.

Often the case has to:
(1) Be discharged with a lot of corrective actions and
(2) OT III must be run on the PC by the auditor or at leastcleaned up. It might not be uncommon to have to do halfor more of the C/Ses in the book before doing the OT IVRundown.If one holds off and really flies the case, then the person


winds up at OT Exterior very nicely when one does OT IV.If you do OT IV and he's still in his head, all is not lost,you have other actions you can take. Clusters, Prep-Checks,failed to exteriorise directions.
OT V and VI are designed for someone already exterior. If a person doesn't go exterior after OT IV Rundown you set him up forV by then seeing he jolly well does go exterior before going on toV.

OT IV Rundown
Done only by an Auditor on a Case fully set up by variousDirections. (0102)2 April 1978

The end phenomenon of OT IV is "Certainty of Self as aBeing". The thing that would make a Being uncertain is thepossibility of future implants. OT IV Solo is designed to "proofup a Being" against any possibility of being re-implanted now thathe/she has finished running implants with the completion of OT

The main idea on OT IV Solo is to mock-up (create) each lineof the Clearing Course (7's, The Basic End Words, The ConfusionGPM, Objects-Hollow, Objects-Solid) with all the perceptics,force, impact, and unconsciousness of the original implant (asmuch as you are able). When the line is mocked up (created orrecreated), then unmock it, cease creating it, and blow the chargeyou have recreated or mocked up. Do this repetitively with eachline of the Clearing Course (including lights) to a floatingneedle on each line. Continue until you feel totally free withand at cause over this implant sequence; (you may or may not needto complete all 5 parts). Do it until you can freely and easilymock-up and blow this implant and can confront implants.

Lastly, scan out all of your auditing early to late adding upall the hours in session as you go along.


Come up with a total number of auditing hours for yourself.Find and run a havingness process.

Attest to OT IV
(1) Rudiments or GF (Green Form) to FIN.
(2) Rehab Drugs.
(3) Valence Shifter. "What valence would be safe?"
(4) Rehab ARC Straight Wire to Grade IV.
(5) Rehab R6EW - OT II.
(6) Prepcheck OT Ill.
(7) Rehab OT V & VI.
(8) Run "What has been overrun?"
(9) Run "What can you confront?"
end phenomena of OT IV Audited only by a Class VIII.) (0104)


In OT 2, ("OT COURSE - SECTION TWO - INSTRUCTIONS") Hubbard gives instructions for the 'whole track tables', that is: the timeline of trillions of years of memory Scientologists claim to have. There are supposedly ten of them. In the following I will try to summarise it, because my lawyer, after having finally having seen evidence handed over to him on behalf of RTC, has advised me that including the full text is at this time against my interests. So be it. I therefore will give you this summary, taken from Michael Robinson's article Operating Thetan Summary and Analysis. The tables are permutations; actual quotes from OTII are on gret. Your comments are kindly invited. Please correct any errors and tell me about any information that I may have missed.

According to Hubbard, there are ten of these 'whole track' tables or time lines. Each time line contains only one GPM or 'Goals Problems Mass' (according to Martin Hunt's dictionary: "a supposed mass which develops when one is thwarted from reaching a Goal by a Problem or stop.") Each set should be run separately:

The GPM found in each set are as follows: ELECTRICAL, TOCKY, BIG BEING, HOUSE, PSYCHO, BANKY, FORERUNNER, BASIC-BASIC, BASIC, THE COMMAND, LOWER LP, LP, and BODY GPM. In addition to these GPM, there are a number of Implant Incidents which have no line plot, as follows: THE ARROW, DOUBLE ROD, WOMAN, WHITE BLACK SPHERE, HOT COLD, LAUGHTER CALM, and DANCE MOB.

The GPM in these "whole track tables" are supposedly the residual mass of incidents that happened untold numbers of lifetimes ago to the individual's immortal "thetan". Approximate dates for each of the incidents are provided, although some, such as "about trillions 214th Power years ago" for the BASIC BASIC GPM, challenge credulity regardless.

The version of Level Two reproduced in the Fishman Declaration is incomplete. A summary of the available GPM follows:


The purpose of the ELECTRICAL GPM was to "CONVINCE a thetan he should think of himself as an electrical being". Thus, the end word of the permutation is not a word, but a shock. The permutation for the ELECTRICAL GPM is as follows:
Create (shock)
Destroy no (shock)


In the TOCKY GPM, there is a swing of "Sun" from left to right which gives a read after each item. The permutation for the TOCKY GPM is as follows: Create Sun Swing
Abide no Sun Swing
Also included are the following two cryptic commands:
"That's what you get for making this Universe.""Get Out-"
No explanation is given for what is "that", who exactly is "you", which universe is "this Universe", nor exactly "out" of what or where one is to get. Either it is expected that all these ambiguities will be clarified at the time one runs this GPM, or that the ambiguities are irrelevant, and it is sufficient simply to run the GPM without this information.


The BIG BEING GPM is associated with the image of an explosion and the subsequent appearance of a BIG BEING (thus the name) in the sky.
The permutation for the BIG BEING GPM is as follows: You Must Survive
He Mustn't
They Should
We Shouldn't
All Can
This is followed by another explosion.


The only identification of this GPM is the possible appearance of a house or internal room.


In the space of 1/10th of a second, an image appears of two back-to-back targets, the front white, and the back black, with an arrow centered on each of the targets (the two arrows thus aimed at each other).


The figure of a woman appears for a few hours. Nothing else.


An image of a sphere and a pole, black in front, white in back.


For 1 1/8 seconds an image appears of a split pole, cold in front, hot in back.


For 7 1/8ths of a second, in a cave, screams of very wild laughter come from the rear (then front) of a split pole, while calm ("a frozen numbness") comes from the front (then rear), giving a sensation of total disagreement.
"The trick is to conceive of both at the same time."


In the incident proper, one is stuck on a pole and trying to get off it. After this, a chanting mob dances around. The Pre-OT is supposed to get the phrases the mob chants while running this incident.
However, the duration is only 7/8ths of a second, so it is not clear how much of the chanting the Pre-OT will be able to "get".


A long shiny black rod moves from left to right, develops a split in the middle, becoming a white rod revolving forward and a black rod revolving backward. Both rods then disappear forward and up.
According to L. Ron Hubbard:
"There is a tremendous feeling of EXCITEMENT attached to this incident. It has a sort of feeling attached to it as if it was being squashed between the two revolving rods."


This is actually a series of 5 GPM's consisting of explosions inside ones head, "where the Thetan is."


Contained in the lower bank are 48 pairs (of which 8 are found in the Fishman Declaration). All 48 affirmative items are first run, then the negative items, than each pair together. The pair schematic is as follows:
Affirmative: To build a _______ingness machine.
Negative: Not to _______ yourself.
The eight listed items are: postulate, think, ideanize (ideafyingness), reason, solve, order, space, and time.

Copyright Karin Spaink.This text may be freely distributed,as long as you don't charge for it.


L.Ron Hubbard

There have been three different OT Is put out by Hubbard. Herethey all are.Earliest OT I
1. On an E-Meter, find the last 3,000 years of lifetimes. Plotout the entire 3,000 year chart as follows:
(a) Find an overt lifetime. Get the identity and theapproximate dates of birth and death. Find the overtand pull all the justifications to it.
(b) Find the following motivator lifetime, and followprocedure as above. (Identity and dates.)(c) Find the postulate from each lifetime and the basicpostulate in each group of lifetimes.
(d) Continue the first three steps until the entire 3,000years is charted and the individuals kharma, i.e. (overmotivator sequence) becomes apparent.

-1- (0060)

(e) In some cases additional benefit could be obtained bylocating the basic misunderstood which proceeded thebasic overt on this chain.
Second OT I
(a) Route I ... The entire 15 steps as listed in "Creationof Human Ability".
(b) With an E-Meter, scan out entire present lifetime to afloating needle.
(c) Mock-up heat until body feels warm.
(d) Postulating mass: With the use of the E-Meter and thecommand "I have Mass", create a reactive mind. Putsufficient significance on to it to cause the T.A. torise. Then spot it until the T.A. falls and the masserases. Run to an FIN. Then mock it up again and eraseit each time to a floating needle. This procedure isrepeated until the pre-OT is certain he can create anddissipate a reactive mind.

Third OT I
The current OT I is done outdoors and consists solely of one

-2- (0061)

command run until cognition.
"Spot a person"
concludes OT I